Tuesday, October 4, 2011

A Simple Omelette

Now traditionally my mother makes an amazing omelette, in which shes adds chopped up onions, chillies, tomatoes, mushrooms, salt, pepper, crushed garlic and the list goes on. But I dont have the time, nor inclination to spend 20 mins on preparing something I can make in 5.
So heres my recipe - Take a few eggs in a bowl, add some salsa sauce (YES SALSA SAUCE), add some salt and pepper, mix, fry and enjoyyy.

Its simple healthy and the best snack ever now if you want to add a cherry on top? DONT. Add some cheddar/mozzarella cheese instead ;)

Will post the pic later, cheers.


  1. Posted the pic, served with some hot coffee and some salad. As my brother one of the Top 500 Trainers in North America says.."Perfect Breakfast"

  2. lol, nice work. Looks tasty.
